The issue document for the debt instruments to be issued abroad, without public offering abroad, within the scope of the issuance ceiling of up to 200,000,000 Euros and/or the equivalent amount of the said amount in Euros and/or Turkish Liras on the date of issuance, Capital Markets Board It was approved by the decision dated 09.01.2025 and numbered 2/9.
Click for Debt instruments Issuance Certificate
Our application to Capital Markets Board (CMB) regarding the issuance of Turkish Lira denominated debt instrument(s) within the domestic market to be sold to qualified investors without public offering, in single or multiple tranches, with different maturities up to maximum 2 (two) years and in the form of bonds and / or bills not exceeding TL 10.000,000,000 (ten Billion Turkish Lira) in total, has been approved by the CMB on 26.12.2024, with decision number 66/2013.
Click for Debt instruments Issuance Certificate